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  • Mark Frecklington

News from the ODCA AGM

The Orange District Cricket Association recently held its AGM, with Mark Frecklington, Peter Jarick, Matt Tabbernor and Liam Dillon re-elected to the roles of President, Secretary, Treasurer and Vice President respectively.

Dave Neil and Bill McKay make up the remainder of the 6-person Committee.

At the Ordinary Meeting that followed, the Association determined that the premiership competitions would commence on Saturday 12 October, with Grand Finals to be played Saturday 29 March, with no matches scheduled for 28 December, 4 January or 11 January.

T20 matches will be also included as part of the Second Grade competition this season, with 2 rounds to be played on each of 21 December, 18 January & 25 January. Results will count towards the overall Second Grade competition and there won't be a separate T20 final.

The Third Grade competition will break a little longer over the holiday period, with a separate T20 competition held in its place, on the same dates as the 2nd Grade T20 matches. A separate final will be played on a date to be confirmed, with potential for the match to be played under lights at Wade Park.

The Fourth Grade (Centenary Cup) competition will have its usual long pause over the Christmas New Year period, with actual dates to be confirmed once team nominations are known.

The meeting also resolved to appoint Dave Neil as chair of the women's sub-committee. Our women's cricket competition is set to expand this season with a more regular hard ball competition expected to be held across the season to complement the Friday night social competition.

Team nominations for men's and women's competitions will close on Sunday 22 September. The Association will hold its next Ordinary General Meeting on Tuesday 17 September.


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